January 28th | 6:00pm
Small Groups Meet around Manhattan then carpool to
Howie's Activity Center Gymnasium
Manhattan Christian College

Manhattan-area youth ministries and YoungLife invite you to a Community Dodgeball event for all middle and high school students!
On Sunday, January 28th, come to Manhattan Christian College's gymnasium at the corner of 14th & Laramie for this annual, cooperative event. The doors will open at 7:00p for team registration and the tournament will start at 7:15.
One thing we are doing a little bit different this year is we are having small groups get together ahead of time to hang out. So each small group will meet at a different place around Manhattan at 6pm and then carpool over to MCC. If students need picked up they can be picked up at Manhattan Christian College. Right now I only know where two of our groups are meeting, but will update this info ASAP when I hear back from the other groups.
Freshman: Raising Cane's
Sophomore Girls: Wendy's on the west side
Sophomore Boys: TBA
Juniors: TBA
Seniors: TBA
Put together your team beforehand or simply join a team the night of. Teams will be made up of 6 players on the court plus substitutions. The tournament will be double-elimination, so you're guaranteed at least 2 games. Dress up and coordinate your team's uniforms if you want! Regardless, come expecting to have a great time! (And probably get hit by a dodgeball or two.) Invite a friend who doesn't know Jesus or have a church home!
Kansas State University Women's Basketball star Aoka Lee will also be there sharing her testimony!
This event is sponsored by Chick-fil-A! The first 100 students through the door as well as the winning team will win prizes from the restaurant!