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MSYG Middle School Camp 2024
Faith in Action
This theme sounds familiar... Faith in Action goes along perfectly with what we just learned at the Spring Retreat. Join us on June 17th-21st as we walk through the Book of James for a week.
A look at the Middle School Camp
Dylan Meyer and Andrew Jansen will be the deans of camp out at KSCC.
Dylan Meyer is the youth Pastor at Westview Community Church here in Manhattan, KS. He loves youth ministry and is super excited to be out at camp for this incredible theme. This guy is an awesome youth Pastor and will not disappoint.
Morning devotions or HIS time is about 20 minutes of quiet time each morning where students get to experience God's creation and take that time to pray, read the daily devotion, and be still (without a phone).
You can't have a camp without having some fun. We will be playing games, going to the pool, and end every night with a camp fire.
Small groups! Students will be placed in a family group for the week where they get to play games, unpack the lessons they learned from the day, and praise and worship together. You eat meals with your small group. You do life for one week and potentially establish a friendship that will last a lifetime. ( Shout out to my camp friend Austin J. Callahan)
We will be meeting at University Christian Church Monday morning at 8:00 a.m. Once we are loaded up then we will head to luxurious King Solomon Christian Camp in Solomon, KS.
KSCC Address:
295 2350 Ave, Solomon, KS 67480
UCC Address:
2800 Claflin Rd, Manhattan, KS 66502
Start and End times
Check-in will be Monday, June 17th, from 7:30-8:00 a.m. in the Youth Building at University Christian Church.
Pick-up will be Friday, June 21st, at 3:00 p.m. in the Youth Building (same as check-in).
You will need to fill out
Here are the PDF Downloadable versions of the camp forms (just in case) Print these off, fill them out, and get them to Andrew.​
All medications (prescription & non-prescription) must be turned into the nurse upon arrival at camp. Regulations require medicine to be brought to camp in its' original container. Be sure to fill out your Individual Medication Card.
Packing List
Here is the recommended packing list for our middle school week of camp.
Sleeping bag (or sheets & blanket) and pillow
Towel, washcloths, soap, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, DEODORANT, and other toiletries.
Clothes suitable for camp including a set of old clothes & close toed shoes.
Bug Spray
Refillable Water Bottle
Light jacket
Money for missions, camp store, or canteen.
A big smile & a Christian attitude!
Deadlines and Cost
Email Andrew at andrew@university.church and ask about the exclusive UCC Promo Code that will get you 25% off the early bird pricing!
March 17th- Early Bird Registration Opens $275
May 6th- Standard Registration Opens $300
June 10th- Hard Registration Deadline
If any of this raises any concerns, please reach out and call the church offices at 785.776.5440 and ask for Andrew Jansen.
If you have any questions then please email Andrew at andrew@university.church