We highly value the role of parents in the life of a teenager. Parents are the #1 influence in the life of a teen. It is never our aim to replace you and your role in the life of your son or daughter. Instead, we want to partner with you and come alongside you in helping you develop the faith of your student. Our goal is not for you to help our programs succeed. Rather, we want to help you win at home.
Because of this, we'd love for you to build a relationship with your child's Small Group Leader. We have found that when parents and Small Group Leaders are on the same page, the faith development of the student is more pronounced and has a higher chance of lasting for a lifetime.
Every other week we send out an email to parents with what we're teaching on Sunday nights, a helpful parenting article (because parenting teenagers is hard!), information about upcoming events, and more. This is the primary way we communicate information with parents, so sign up below.
Have you signed up, but you aren't receiving the Parent Email? Check your Spam or Junk folder. If you're on Gmail it might be in your "Promotions" folder. To move future emails into your main inbox, simply:
Click on the Promotions tab to see the message you want to move
Click and grab it, then drag it over to the Primary tab
You'll be asked if you want further messages from this email to go to your Primary inbox, click "Yes"